| Warren County, Illinois Business Directory From: The Past and Present of Warren Co., Il Published: Chicago, H. F. Ket & Co., Cor. 5th Ave. and Washington St., 1877 ReturnAlexis Business DirectoryChaffee A. H. Physician and Surgeon, Editor and Proprietor Alexis Index.Chapman O. G. Postmaster; dealer in Books, Stationery, Wall Paper, Notions, etc. Foust David, Merchant. Gibson, Postlewaite & Co. Dealers in Dry Goods, Groceries, Clothing, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, etc. Loveridge T. Prop. "Alexandria House;" best accomodations for the traveling public; good sample rooms for commercial men; livery in connection. Rowe Jno. W. Carpenter and Builder; specifications furnished when desired. Santee & Laird, Custon and Merchant Millers; proprietors "Oriental Flouring Mils." Taylor c. H. Photographer; all work executed in the highest style of art; old pictures enlarged to any size; first-class stock of Frames constantly on hand; friends, take time by the forelock and secure a good, life-like picture of yourself and family before it is too late. Cameron Business DirectoryParkes & Blair, Dealers in Groceries and Agricultural ImplementsTemple Thos. M.D., M.D., Physician and Surgeon. Coldbrook Business DirectoryWilson Jas. Dealer in Coal; bank on Sec. 19; P.O. Cameron.Ellison Business DirectoryPierson J. A., Postmaster and Dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries, Teas, Hardware, Crockery, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, etc.Sands O.C., Dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries, Hats Caps, Boots, Shoes, Notions etc. Floyd Township Business DirectorySheldon Hiram, Dealer in Live Stock; Sec. 31; 1 mile North Berwick P.O.Greenbush Township Business DirectoryButler, V. W. Justice of the PeaceIrving, S. C. Blacksmith Johnson, J. C. Dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries, Drugs and Medicines, Paints, Oils, Putty, Glassware, Hardware, and General Merchandise Randall, Wm. Physician and Surgeon Snapp, Wm. L. Justice of the Peace Business Directory of Kelly TownshipBunker Nathan, Prop. of the celebrated English Stallion, "Robin Hood," "the Wonderful Lad."Gilmore B. R. Breeder of Thoroughbred Poland China Swine; Sec. 3; P.O. Alexis Kirkwood Business DirectoryAllen Moses W. Dealer in General Merchandise.Barnes, Creswell & Co., Props Young America Nursery, 3/4 mile from R.R. Depot. Bute Cyrus, Police Magistrate. Drain Bros. Lumber Dealers. Kellogg Geo. W. Station Agent C.B. & Q.R.R. Leedham Wm. H. Editor and Proprietor Kirkwood News. Lowther & Gilmore, Dry Goods and Groceries. Schenberger Elias, Postmaster. Sofield & Cummings, Hardware, Stove, and Agricultural Implements. Little York Business DirectoryCuthbert W. L., M. D., Physician and Surgeon Wallace & Morrison, Dealers in General MerchandiseMonmouth City Business DirectoryBabcock Draper Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Dry Goods and Capets, Fancy Goods, Notions, &c.Baldwin & Sons Proprietors "Baldwin House." Barnum O.S. Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Hardware and Cutlery, Leather and Rubber Belting, Farming Tools, Pumps, Plows, Cultivators, Reapers, Mowers, Threshing Machines, Wood Sprouting, Wagons, Buggies, and Carriages. Blackburn C.E. Manufacturer and Retail Dealer in Harness and Harness Hardware. Breed G.H. Homeopathic Physician Clark Jno. S. Editor and Proprietor Monmouth Atlas. George C. Rankin, Local Editor. Davidson Jas. Livery, Feed and Sale Stables; first-class rigs on short notice; Carriages for Funerals, Receptions, etc. Diffenbaugh S. Confectioner; Hoome-made Candies, Notions, etc. Dunn Bros. Proprietors City Marble Works; Dealers in American and Foreign Marble. First National Bank Organized in 1863; Capital $75,000; Surplus $50,000. Findley David E. Grocer and Baker Foster J.C. Photographer Gibson & Tresham Dealers in Fine Boots and Shoes; Ladies' and Gents' Boots and Shoes made to order. Gayer F. Brewer Glenn & Kirkpatrick Attorneys at Law Graham & Clark (successors to H.D. Wood & Co.) Fashionable Hatters, and Dealers in Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods. Good P.D. Clothing Dealer Hamilton S.M. M.D., Physician Harvey & Schultz Druggist and Apothecaries; Pure Drugs, Patent Medicines, Imported Perfumeries; Pure Wiines and Liquors for Medicinal Use, Fancy and Toilet Articles, etc.; Prescriptions Compounded. Hershey J.M. Botanic Physician. Hollaway Robert Attorney Irwin & Leins Merchant Tailors Kidder Almon Attorney at Law. Kyler Thos. Proprietor Exchange Hotel. Monmouth Mining and Manufacturing Co Daniel D. Parry, Prest.; H.C. Beckwith, Secy.; J.S. Spriggs, Treas.; Miners of Coal and Clay, and Manufacturers of Stone Sewer Pipe from 3 to 24 inches in diameter; all sizes of Elbows, Branches and Traps; also Paving and Drain Tile. Monmouth National Bank Capital $100,000; Surplus $20,000; Wm. Hanna, Prest.; Almon Kidder, V. Prest.; W.B. Young, Cashier. Moore Mrs. S.J. Proprietor Railroad Eating House, crossing of C., B. & Q. and R., R. I. & St. L. Railroads; R., R. I. & St. L. Passenger Trains stop 20 minutes for Meals at this House; Good Beds and Airy Rooms. N.B. - Travelers can secure Tickets and hve Baggage transferred to the C., B. & Q. R. R. at this crossing, and avoid 'Bus transportation. Morgan Jno. T. Attorney. Norcross J. G. & Bro. Dealers in Farm Machinery, Seeds, Flour, Lime, Cement, etc. Norcross Wm. C. Attorney. Nusbaum Moses Clothing Dealer. Palmer Wm. Proprietor Commercial House. Peacock Theo. G. Attorney. Phelps S. S., Jr. livery, Feed and Sale Stable. Porter Jno. Attorney. Smith W.P. Dentist. Spriggs & Bro Dealers in Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Dye Stuffs, Paints, Oils, Glass, Putty, Perfumery and Fancy Articles, Patent Medicines, etc. Swain A.H. Editor and Proprietor Monmouth Review. Second National Bank of Monmouth, Chauncy Hardin, Prest. Thuson Martin Livery and Feed Stable. Walker Wm. J. & A.T. Attorneys at Law. Wallace J.H. M.D., Physician. Wallace John F. (successor to Drennen & Wallace,) Books, Stationery and Wall Paper; Main St. Waugh O.K. Veterinary Surgeon. Webster J.R. Physician. Willets Elias Attorney Wilson R.A. Dealer in Books, Wall Paper, Picture Frames, Bibles, Albums, Pocket Books, etc. Roseville Business DirectoryBradley Theodore, M. D., Physician and Surgeon. Will promptly answer any calls by day or night. Patronage solicited.Butler J. E. & Co., Dealers in Dry Goods, Notions, etc. Conlec J. W. Agent St. L., R.I. & C. R. R. branch of the C. B. & Q. R. R. Davenport J. L. Undertaker and Dealer in Cases and Caskets. Eldridg Truman, Prop. Roseville Steam Flouring Mils; aso Grain Buyer. Evans & Ostrander, Lumber and Grain Dealers. Gordon Jno. A. Furniture Dealer, Notary Public and Real Estate Agent. Maloney J. B. Harness Maker. A great variety of Collars and a big stock of Saddles. Pauley & Walsh, Dealers in Staple and Fancy Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, Flour and Provisions. Pierce Clement, Justice of the Peace. Pratt & Pratt, Dealers in Lumber, Grain, Tile, Shingles, Lath, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mouldings, Brackets, Pumps, Salt, Lime, Sand, Cement and Plastering Hair, Waggons and Buggies. Ragon, Dr. B. Physician and Surgeon. B. & Son, Dealers in Drugs, Groceries, all kinds of Toilet Articles, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Window Glass, Putty, Glassware, Queensware, Woodenware, Willowware, Confectionery, Tobacco, Snuff, Cigars, etc. Reed, Dixson & Bader, Manufacturers and Dealers in Agricultural Implements. Roseville Union Bank, Pratt, Stem, Worden& Co., Proprietors, Do a general Banking business. Lycurgus Worden, Prest.; Seth F. Pratt, Cashier; Directors, Isaac L. Pratt, Eli Dixson, L. Worden. S.P. Stem, R. B. Woodward, Eli B. Dixson, Seth F. Pratt. Smith Wm. Merchant. Willard Jno. Bridge Builder. Wyatt M. J. Photographer. Swan Creek Business DirectoryErbrodt, Henry C. Manufacturer and Dealer in Saddles, Harness, Bridles, Halters, Collars, Whips, &c., best of Stock used, and all work warranted. Prompt attention given to orders.Shanghai Business DirectoryWaight W. F., M. D. Physician, Surgeon and Accoucher Return to Homepage Updated January 28, 2002 |