FarquarJnoMonmouth Citystock dealerrepU.P.from Ohio
FarquarMrs. MaryMonmouth City__U.P.from Ohio
FarrierGeo. O.Monmouth Citycigar-makerrep_from Germany
FayG.H.Monmouth Citysewing-machinesrep_from Massachusetts
FeldtN.Monmouth Cityblacksmith__from Sweden
FeltNelsMonmouth Cityblacksmith__from Sweden
FerringtonW.C.Monmouth Cityfarmerrep_from Ohio
FerringtonWarrenMonmouth Citycarpet-weaverrep_born in Illinois
FerringtonMrs. A.Monmouth Citywidow_Chris.from New York
FieldsWm. T.Monmouth Citypainterind_from Vermont
FieldsJ.W.Monmouth Cityphysiciandem_from N.H.
FierovedSimonMonmouth CityfarmerdemMethfrom Pennsylvania
FindleyDavidMonmouth CityGrocer and Baker; born in Muskingum Co., O., 1840; Rep;U.P.; he came to this Co. in 1856; married Miss Mary E. Gettemy, 1864; she was born in Penn.; has six children, three sons and three daughters.repU.P.born in Muskingum Co., O.
FindleyJamesMonmouth Cityprop. Fruit vineyardrepU.P.from Ohio
FindleyMrs. MarthaMonmouth Citywidow___
FindleyJohnA.Spring Grove Twp.laborer for R. W. Gerlaw; P.O. Gerlaw;rep_from Miss.
FinleyLeanderMonmouth CityfarmerrepU.P.from Ohio
FinleyJeremiahMonmouth CitylaborerdemCathfrom Ireland
FinleyMrs. C.Monmouth City__Cathfrom Ireland
FlehartyRobertMonmouth Cityteamsterrep_from Canada
FlehartyJohnMonmouth CityMolderrep_from Wisconson
FlehartyJacobMonmouth Citymolderdem_from Ohio
FlemingMary E.Monmouth Citymantau-maker_Prebfrom Pennsylvania
FloydClarkMonmouth CitylaborerrepBapt.from Kentucky
FootB.F.Monmouth Cityteamingdem_from New York
FooteB.F.Monmouth Citymolderrep_born Illinois
FordJohnMonmouth Cityqueenswarerep_from Ohio
FordJamesMonmouth Citybrick masonrep_from New York
ForneyJamesMonmouth Cityemployee Weir Plow Works___
FortMarkMonmouth CityWorks at Baldwin House.rep_from Tennesee
ForwoodB.F.Spring Grove Twp.farmer; Sec. 23; P.O. Gerlaw; born in Harford co., Maryland, Dec. 18, 1816; came to this country in 1838; dem; owns 160 acres, valued at $9,600; was first township Clerk; has held office School Treas. Since 1846dem_born in Harford Co., Maryland
FosterRobt.Monmouth Cityteamsterdem_from Penn
FosterWill M.Monmouth Cityfarmer__born in South Carolina
FosterH.W.Monmouth Cityphotographerrep_from Indiana
FosterJohn ASpring Grove Twp.farmer; sec. 18; P.O. Spring Gove; born in Abbeyville, S. C., Nov. 7, 1818; came to this Co. in 1837; Rep; U.P.; 232 acres, value $12,760; came here by team from South Carolina, and was eight weeks on the road; arrived May 18, 1837; married Martha J. Struthers, Oct. 30, 1845; she came from Green Co., Ohio, and died June 7, 1854; children, Elizabeth S., married F. M. McClenahan; Margaret L., married Martin McKee; Nancy J. Married Robert Hogue; Mr. F. Mitchell, April 5, 1855; she has one son, John A. Mitchell, M.D.repU.P.from South Carolina
FosterHamiltonSpring Grove Twp.farmer; Sec. 18; P.O. Spring GroverepU.P.from South carolina
FosterT.C.Monmouth CitygrocerrepU.P.from Ohio
FosterJ.C.Monmouth CityPhotographer; Monmouth; born in Ohio in 1841; came to this Co. in 1865; has been in business during that time, excepting one year; married Miss Sarah M. Hess in 1867; she was born in Indiana; has three children.__Ohio
FosterJ.P.Monmouth Cityjustice of the peacerepU.P.from South Carolina
FoughtPeterMonmouth Cityshoe and boot makerrep_from Pennsylvania
FoustDavidSpring Grove Twp.merchant; Gerlaw; born in Franklin Co., Penn., Dec. 18, 1816; came to this country in 1838; Dem; owns 160 acres, valued at $9,600; was first Township Clerk; has held office School Treas. Since 1846.dem_born in Franklin Co., Penn.
FoxPaulMonmouth Citybarber; boards at Baldwin House;__from Germany
FrankWm.Spring Grove Twp.farmer; Sec. 32; P.O. Spring Grove___
FranklinHenrySpring Grove Twp.merchant; Alexis;repMethborn in Illinois
FrantzJ.H.Spring Grove Twp.Farmer and Stock Raiser; Sec.22; P.O. Gerlaw; born in Alleghany co., Maryland, Feb. 20, 1836; came to this co. in 1857; Rep; owns 237 acres, valued at $1,200; wife was Anna M. Porter, born in Warren Co., Ill.: married Sept. 23, 1860; seven children, four daughters living.rep_born in Alleghany Co., Maryland
FrazellWarrenMonmouth Citypainterrep_from Ohio
FreeJohnMonmouth Citysection boss_LuthSweden
FrozierJ.A.Monmouth City__U.P.from Ohio
FryJamesMonmouth Cityagentrep_from Pennsylvania
FrymireArthurMonmouth Citybutcherdem_born in Illinois
FullerGeoMonmouth CityagentrepLib_
FultonJohn W.Spring Grove Twp.farmer; Sec. 18; P.O. Spring Grove; 90 acresrep_born in Illinois
FultonJas. W.Spring Grove Twp.farmer; Sec. 20; P.O. Spring Grove; 112 acresdem_born in Illinois
FurrJ.C.Monmouth CityfarmerrepBaptfrom Virginia
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