TaylorRev. HarryMonmouth Citypastor First Bapt. Churchrep_from Virginia
TaylorW.M.Monmouth Citydruggistrep_born in Illionois
TaylorWm. R.Monmouth Cityemployed in Weir Plow Worksdem_born Illinois
TempletonD.C.Monmouth Citytravelling agent of Weir Plow Co.repU.P.born Illinois
TempletonJno. A.Monmouth Citytravelling agent of Weir Plow Co.repU.P.from Pennsylvania
TharpJosephMonmouth CityteacherrepMethfrom O.
ThomasGeorgeMonmouth Cityfarmerrep_from New York
ThomasJohnMonmouth CityteamsterrepU.P.from Tennessee
ThomasThaddeusMonmouth Citylaborerrep_from Va.
ThompsonJohn G.Monmouth Citymasonrep_from Ohio
ThomsonMrs. W.J.Monmouth Citywidow_U.P.from Ohio
ThompsonWm. C.Monmouth Cityfarmerrep_from Penn.
ThusonMartinMonmouth CityLivery and Feed Stable; Monmouth; born in Denmark, Dec. 24, 1847; came to this Co. in 1869; rep; Luth; always well supplied with good teams; charges reasonable.repLuthborn in Denmark
TimonsonT.Monmouth CitylaborerdemCathfrom Sweden
ToalEdwardMonmouth CitylaborerrepCathfrom Ireland
ToddDennisMonmouth CitypainterrepBapt.from Iowa
ToddMilesMonmouth CitycooperrepBapt.from Ohio
TormanJohn W.Monmouth Cityswitchmanrep_born in Illinois
TourlyJohnMonmouth CitylaborerdemPresb.from Germany
TorleyJohnMonmouth Cityemployee brick yarddem_from Germany
TownleyMrs. Eliza B.Monmouth City__U.P.from New Jersey
TracyA.H.Monmouth CityTeacher; Monmouth; born in Erie, Pa., June 18 1821; came to this co. in April, 1854; Rep; Presb; commenced teaching as a profession at the age of twenty-two years; after three years' service, he was elected as Examiner and Superintendent in Erie Co., Pa., which office he held for five years; then came to this State and settled in Monmouth; began his work of teaching here in Public Schools, May 8, 1854; six years of successful labor followed; served one term as School Commissioner of thisCo.; married Miss Harriet E. Shirwin, March 11, 1852; have six children.repPresb.born in Erie, Pa.
TreshamW.D.Monmouth CityTresham, W. D. - Dealer in Boots and Shoes; Monmouth; born in Virginia, April, 1845; came to this Co., in 1867; has been engaged in the boot and shoe trade ten years; married Anna M. Swinney in 1871; she was born in Warren Co.; has two children. -__born in Virginia
TrulsonNelsMonmouth CitylaborerrepLuthfrom Sweden
TuckerMrs. E.J.Monmouth CityNational Hotel_Presb.from Indiana
TuckeyRichardMonmouth CitylaborerdemMethfrom England
TurnbullDavidMonmouth CityTurnbull, David - deceased; Farmer; born in Green C., Ohio, Oct, 18, 1809; came to this Co. in 1833; Rep; U.P.; married Miss Nancy Mitchell, 1831, who was born in Pennsylvania; they had twelve children, of whom John M., Ann E., Sarah I., Mary A., William W., Daved A., Thomas B. and Nannie J. were spared to assume for themselves the duties of life; Mr. Turnbull was all his life an active citizen, a zealous worker, both in Church and State, and while he could not be called an office seeker, held almost continuouly some needful but unprofitable office, from 1835 until near his death, which occurred may 10, 1871; he served two terms as Sheriff of the Co.; was several years Chairman of the Board of Supervisors, and acted as Assistant Provost Marshal most of the years of the late war; having lived in Warren Co. from the time he came West in 1833, he was known by most of the citzens of the Co., and died enjoying their respect as fully as a positive, independent citizen could do. -repU.P.born in Green Co, Ohio
TurnbullJohnMonmouth CitymerchantdemU.P.from Ohio
TurnbullJohn M.Monmouth CityTurnbull, John M. - Postmaster; Monmouth; born in Ohio, July 23, 1833; Rep; U.P.; he came to this Co., Oct, 1833; enlisted in the 36th I.V.I., and was wounded and lost a leg before Altanta; has held office of Postmaster since 1865; married Anna P. Orr, of Washington Co.,Iowa, in Oct, 1854; has four children. -repU.P.born in Ohio
TurnerJames M.Monmouth CityfarmerrepChrisfrom Massachusetts
TurtellotteL.O.Monmouth CityDep. Co. ClerkrepUnivfrom Massachusetts
TroutmanMiss S. J.Monmouth CityWallace, James H. - Physician; born in Penn, Nov. 16, 1834; lived in Ohio twenty-two years; came to this State in 1876; is associated with Dr. Crawford in the practice of his profession; married Miss S.J. Troutman in 1862; she was born in Wayne Co., O.; has six children. +__born Wayne co., O
TurnerHenry B.Spring Grove Twp.farmer, with J. B. Turner; Sec. 16; P.O. Spring Grove;rep_Ohio
TurnerJas. M.Spring Grove Twp.farmer with J. B. Turner; Sec 16; P.O. Spring Grove;rep_Ohio
TurnerJ. B.Spring Grove Twp.farmer; Sec. 16; P.O. Alexis; 160 acres, value $8,000;repU.P.S. C.