From: The Past and Present of Warren Co., Il
Published: Chicago, H. F. Ket & Co., Cor. 5th Ave. and Washington St., 1877

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Was laid out by the Kidder family and otherrs in the spring of 1872.

The first store was opened by H.V. Simmons in a building erected by C.W. mapes. The building is now occupied by Wm. Miner. One or two other stores have since been erected. One or two shops are now in operation.

The town plat was, until 1872, the farm of the Kidder family, and when the plat was surveyed and a station established, before one was allowed at Swan Creek, as the railroad company objected to two depots so closely together. This latter objection was, however, overruled by the enerrgy of the citizens along the line.

Youngstown supports a good local trade, and is the shipping point for all farm produce from this locality.


Schools has been held in the district school house many years. An effort is now being made to add an additional room and grade the school. This will promptly be carried out in a year or so.


About 1870, the members of the Baptist denonmination met in the school house for divine worship and in 1873, were organized into a church. It is known at the Swan Creek Baptist church. Soon after the name was changed to correspond with the town and as such is now known.

The membership at first was small but now is largely increased, and sustain a minister one half the time, he devoting the other Sabbath to the Pleasant Baptist church.

Rev. Joel Pennington now occupies the pulpit.

Youngstown Lodge, No 387, A.F. and A. M. --Officers; W.W. Shoop, Ww.M.; R.B. Predmore, S.W.; H.H. Kidderr, J.W.; H.V. Simmons, Secy.' P.P. Smith, Treas. Meets at Youngstown on the second and fourth Saturdays of earch month.p>

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Updated September 10, 2001