

BabcockDraperMonmouth CityMerchant; born in Wales, N.Y., Dec. 1 1827; came to this Co. in 1842, and was engaged with his father in general merchandising in the same location he now occupies; has held office of Co. Treasurer Collector from the passage of the law appointing Collector until the consolidation; was one of the organizers of the First National Bank, and has been a Director ever since; has also held office of Mayor, and a Trustee of Monmouth College; he married Mary E. Elliott in 1852; she was a daughter of Rev. Joseph Elliott, and was born in New York in 1830; has four children.__born in Wales, N.Y.
BabcockE.C.Monmouth CityretiredrepBaptMassachusetts
BaberLouisMonmouth CitylaborerrepMethKentucky
BaileyJehu.Spring Grove Twp.farmer; Sec. 11; P.O. Alexis; 820 acresrepCh. Of Godfrom Penn.
BaileyJ.W.Monmouth Citytravelling agent Weir Plow Worksrep_Maine
BaileyJacobSpring Grove Twp.Spring Grove Twp.farmer; Sec. 11; P.O. Alexisrep_from Ohio
BainSamuelMonmouth CityretiredrepU.P.North Carolina
BaineR.Monmouth CitylaborerrepMethVa.
BaineGeorgeMonmouth Cityemployee Weir Plow Co.rep_Indiana
BakeW.C.Monmouth CityclerkdemPresbIllinois
BakerJno. R.Monmouth CityblacksmithrepMethVirginia
BaldridgeSamuelMonmouth CityfarmerrepU.P.Ohio
BaldwinJohn H.Monmouth Cityplastererrep_Pa.
BaldwinJames W.Monmouth Cityof Baldwin Houserep_Pennsylvania
BaldwinHiramMonmouth Cityproprietor of Baldwin House, Monmouth; born in Chester Co., Penn., Dec. 9, 1808; came to this Co. in 1840; hotel value, $20,000; the Baldwin House is one of the oldest hotels in the city; Mr. Baldwin married Miss Maria Mackey, March 28, 1831, who was born in Lancaster Co., Penn., Aug. 18, 1808; have two sons, James W. and George W., who are associated with their father in running the hotel, under the firm name of Baldwin & Sons.rep__
BaldwinGeorge W.Monmouth Cityof Baldwin Houserep_Pennsylvania
BaldwinM.S.Monmouth CitygrocerrepU.P.Pennsylvania
BarbourGeorge R.Monmouth Citybookkeeper Weir Plow Worksdem_Connecticut
BarnesE.V.A.Monmouth Twpfarmer; Sec. 28; P.O. MonmouthrepPresb._
BarnesRev. J.G.Monmouth Citypastor First U.P. Churchrep_Pennsylvania
BarnumOrlanda S.Monmouth CityMerchant and Farmer; Monmouth; born in Oswego Co., N.Y., Feb 7, 1830; Rep; Bapt; owns 260 acres; he came to this State and Co. in 1844; holds office of Supervisor; married Harriet E. Allen in 1856; she was born in New York.repBaptN.Y.
BarrettGeorgeMonmouth CitylaborerdemLuthGermany
BartonT.S.Monmouth Cityclerk agricultural implementsdemMethPennsylvania
BartonJ.B.Monmouth CitycarpenterrepU.P.New York
BaskervilleEmanuelMonmouth Cityfeather renovatorrep_England
BatesHenry H.Monmouth CitygrocerrepMethO.
BatesL.A.Monmouth Cityclerkrep_Ohio
BatesJ.A.Monmouth CitygrocerrepMethMaryland
BatesThomasSpring Grove Twp.farmer for A. Gilmore; Sec. 27; P.O. Gerlaw___
BayAlbertMonmouth Citycity marshalrep__
BayMrs. MariaMonmouth Citywidow_Meth_
BaymountJamesMonmouth Twpfarmer; Sec. 8; P.O. MonmouthrepPresb._
BaymountNathan P.Monmouth Twpfarmer; Sec. 8; P.O. MonmouthrepPresb._
BayneyJ.C.Spring Grove Twp.merchant; Alexisdem_from Ireland
BeachMrs. L.C.Monmouth Twpfarmer; Sec. 30; P.O. Monmouth___
BeachGeorgeMonmouth Twpfarmer, Sec. 30; P.O. Monmouthrep__
BeachumWm.Monmouth Citybrick layerdemLib_
BeaumontSarahMonmouth City_MethIllinois
BeaumontWalterMonmouth CitylaborerdemMethborn in Illinois
BeckJno.Monmouth Cityboots and shoesrepLuthDenmark
BeckerA.N.Monmouth CitymerchantindBaptNew York
BeckwithB.Monmouth CityretiredrepBaptConn
BeckwithHenry C.Monmouth CitySecretary of the Monmouth Mining and Manufacturing Co.; born in Ashtabula Co., O. Nov. 19, 1844; came to this Co. in 1846; owns 100 acres, Sec 28; he served two years in the 13th I.V.C. in the late war; was one of the organizers of the Monmouth Mining and Manufacturing Co.; married Alice P. Bower, Aug 25, 1869; she was born in Ohio; has two children.repBaptborn in Ashtabula Co., O.
BeedeeE.C.Monmouth Cityclerkind_Maine
BeistrupGeo.Monmouth Cityemplyee Weir Plow Works_LuthDenmark
BellRobt.Spring Grove Twp.farmer for B. Donnelly; Sec. 6; P.O. Alexis;rep_from Ireland
BellThos.Monmouth Citycarpenter__Sweden
BellFredMonmouth Citycarpenterind_England
BellingerEliza.Spring Grove Twp.widow; P.O. Alexis; 116 acres, $25 per acre_Adv.from England
BellingerCharlesSpring Grove Twp.farmer; Alexis;dem_born England
BellingerJasSpring Grove Twp.farmer; Sec. 13; P.O. Alexis; 40 acresdemAdv.from England
BellingerAlf. G.Spring Grove Twp.farmer; P.O. Alexis; 200 acres, value $8,400dem_from Ohio
BengtsonOlofSpring Grove Twp.farmer; Sec 14; P.O. Alexis; born in Sweden Dec. 5, 1823; came to this country in 1853 and Co in 1851; owns 312 acres, value $10,000; wife was Anna Rem, born in Sweden; married May 3, 1859; six children, four boys and two girls; three boys and two girls livingrepLuthborn in Sweden
BensonOliffMonmouth Citylaborer__Sweden
BensonThos.Monmouth Citycoal digger__England
BerryJohnMonmouth Citylocal editor "Review", boards at Baldwin Houserep_Pennsylvania
BerryGeorgeMonmouth Twpfarmer; Sec. 17; P.O. Monmouthrep__
BertscheyF.E.Monmouth Twpfarmer; Sec. 1; P.O. Gerlaw; born in Germany, March 16, 1848; Dem; Lib; rents 120 acres of J.H. Denison; he came to this country in 1852, and to this co. in 1865; married Ella J. Lair in Nov., 1870; she was born in Warren Co.; has two children.demLibborn in Germany
BestMrs. LizzieMonmouth Citywidow__New York
BickmondRobtMonmouth Citydyerdem_Scotland
BillingsMrs. SarahMonmouth Citywidow___
BivensIsabellaMonmouth City__U.P.Tennesee
BlackDanielSpring Grove Twp.farmer for e. Wallace; Sec 3; P.O. Alexisrep_from Penn.
BlackJnoMonmouth CityretiredrepU.P.Ireland
BlackburnChas. E.Monmouth Citydealer in Harness and Saddlery Hardware; Monmouth; born in Indiana, Sept. 19, 1847; he came to this Co. in 1853; enlisted in the 151st I.V. I., and served till close of the war; married Miss Olive Jewell, Nov. 2, 1871; she was born in Warren Co., April 29, 1849repPresIndiana
BlackburnMrs. K.G.Monmouth Citywidow_MethOhio
BlairSimonMonmouth Citylaborerrep_Tennessee
BlanchardEdMonmouth Citycollar manufacturer, wholesale and retail__Kentucky
BlanfordJ.W.Spring Grove Twp.saloon keeper; Alexis; $1,000;dem_from Kentucky
BlantinSwanSpring Grove Twp.tailor; AlexisdemLuthfrom Sweden
BlayneyRobt.Spring Grove Twp.livery; Alexis: $400dem_born Virginia
BlayneyWm.Spring Grove Twp.livery; $300dem_from Ireland
BlayneyM. J.Spring Grove Twp.hotel keeper; AlexisdemPres.born West Virginia
BlayneyHenrySpring Grove Twp.livery stable; Alexisdem_from Ireland
BlosserJohnMonmouth Cityemployee C.L. Buck___
BoalJacobMonmouth Twpfarmer; Sec 25; P.O. Monmouth; born in Cumberland Co., Pa., Nov. 4, 1841; came to this co. in 1854; Dem; Luth; rents of J.B. Meginnis; came with his parents to this co., when 13 years of age; married Emaline McKenny, June 29, 1868; she was born in Virginia; has two children, Ella and James C.demLuthborn in Cumberland Co., Pa
BoalEmanuel O.Monmouth Twpfarmer; rents of J.B. Meginnis; Sec. 25; P.O. Monmouthdem__
BoalElijahMonmouth Twpcarpenter; Sec. 25; P.O. Monmouth; born in York Co., Pa, March 8, 1816; Dem; Luth; came to this co. in 1854; has held office of School Director; married Susan Spidel, June 13, 1839; she was born in Cumberland Co., Penn., Nov. 2, 1816; has six children Catherine, Jacob, John, Mary, Emanuel O., and FreddemLuthborn in York Co., Pa
BoggessMrs. Jas. B.Monmouth City__Meth_
BoggsFrank A.Spring Grove Twp.teacher; AlexisrepPres.born Illinois
BoggsJamesSpring Grove Twp.farmer; Sec. 5; P.O. Norwood; 76 acres in War. Co., 80 in Mer.demPres._
BoggsM. C.Spring Grove; P.O. GerlawrepPres.from Penn.
BoggsJos. A.Spring Grove Twp.teacher; Sec 5; P.O. Norwood;demPres.from Penn.
BoggsJames P.Spring Grove Twp.farmer with James Boggs; Sec. 5; P.O. Norwooddem_from Penn.
BoguePeterSpring Grove Twp.grain buyer; Alexis;dem_from New York
BolackJosephMonmouth Cityemployee in millsdem_Canada
BollingerM. G.Spring Grove Twp.Alexis__from Penn.
BondWm. G.Monmouth CitySheriff; Monmouth; came to this Co. in 1834; has held office of Collector and Supervisor previous to his election as Sheriff; was mustered in the service of the late war as Captain; was promoted to Major; served three years; first wife was Elizabeth Donner; had four children; second wife was Irene J. Pennington; third wife was Mary E. Moore.___
BoozanRichMonmouth CitylaborerdemCathIreland
BoozanThomas, Sr.Spring Grove Twp.farmer; Sec 30; P.O. Denny; 160 acresdemCathIreland
BoozanRichardSpring Grove Twp.farmer for T. Boozan; Sec. 30; P.O. DennydemCathfrom Ireland
BoozanThos.Spring Grove Twp.farmer; Sec. 10; P.O. Alexis; 80 acresdemCathIreland
BoozanThos. Jr.Spring Grove Twp.farmer for T. Boozan; Sec. 30; P.O. DennydemCathfrom Ireland
BossArthurMonmouth Citypainterrep__
BossermanA.B.Monmouth Citymerchant, boards at Baldwin Housedem_Pennsylvania
BosworthAdisonMonmouth Twpfarmer; Sec 35; P.O. Monmouth; born in Trumbull Co., O., Feb. 24, 1827; Rep; Chris; owns 120 acres, value $8,400; he came to this state and co in 1850; married Miss Margaret Whitman in 1854; she was born in Warren Co.; has six children, Horace W., Lena M., Lizzie, Grace, Florence and leonard; lost three.repChris.born in Trumbull Co., O.
BoulbyR.D.Monmouth Twpplasterer; Sec. 32; P.O. Monouthrep__
BowerZ.B.Monmouth Citybook keeperrep_Ohio
BowerJamesMonmouth Citystock dealerrep_Ohio
BowmanC.E.Monmouth Citybilliardsrep_Pennsylvania
BoyceMrs. EliMonmouth City__MethOhio
BoyceWm. W.Monmouth Citypainterdem_Ohio
BoydR.H.Monmouth CityfarmerrepPresbPenn.
BoydR.H.Monmouth Twpretired; Sec 28; P.O. MonmouthrepU.P._
BoydJ.N.Monmouth CitystudentrepPresbPenn.
BoydW.B.Monmouth CityWeir Plow WorksrepPresbNew York
BoyntonJ.A.Monmouth Citygrocerdem_Maine
BoyntonIraMonmouth Cityfarmerdem_born in Illinois
BradshawJ.H.Monmouth Cityharness makerdem_New York
BradyRev. E.A.Monmouth Citylocal minister, Methodist churchrep_Pennsylvania
BramballFrankMonmouth Citywagon makerdem_New York
BranchMartinMonmouth CitylaborerrepMethAlabama
BreedG.H., M.C.Monmouth CityHomeopathic Physician; Monmouth; born in Buffalo, N.Y., March 10, 1851; came to this Co. in 1868; has been engaged in the practice of his profession since 1873; married Miss Frances L. Cornell in 1875; she was born in Warren Co.__born in Buffalo, N.Y.
BrewerWm. T.Monmouth CityclerkrepU.P.New York
BrewerJ.T.Monmouth CitymerchantrepUnivVirginia
BrewerJ.W.Monmouth Cityphysiciandem_Penn.
BrewerJno. E.Monmouth Citydruggist__Penn.
BrewsterIsaacMonmouth Twplaborer for R. Wallace; Sec 86demMeth._
BriggsJohn F.Monmouth TwpFarmer; sec 6; P.O. Monmouth; born in Penn, in 1827; Rep. Lib; rents 160 acres of J.T. Morgan; he came to this co. in 1868; he enlisted in the 51st Ohio Inf. And served three years; he married Susanna Cofland in 1854; she was born in Ohio in 1838, and died April 4, 1877; has six children, William, George, Mary, Sanclot, Jessie and Chace; lost tworepLibborn in Penn.
BristolC.B.Monmouth CityLocal Shipping-Clerk of Weir Plow Works; born in Va., Feb 18, 1840; came to this Co. in 1868; owns house and lot, value $2,000; enlisted in Co. B, 65th Regt. I. (veteran) V.I., 1862; remained in the service until Aug. 3, 1865; mustered out with rank of Sergt.-Maj.; married S.J. McFarland, of IndianaCo., Penn., May 1867.___
BroderickWm.Monmouth CitylaborerdemCathIreland
BrooksW.W.Monmouth Citycoal-diggerrepPresbIllinios
BrooksElizaMonmouth City___Ohio
BrooksChapman V.Monmouth Twpfarmer and Stock Raiser; Sec 26; P.O. Monmouth; born in Jefferson Co., N.Y. Nov. 22, 1822; rep; Presb; Owns 400 acres, value $28,000; he came to this State and Co. in 1850; has held offices of Supervisor and School Director; married jane M. Weakley in 1850; she was born in Cumberland Co., Penn.; has six children Joseph W., Priscilla F., Willis J., Chapman V., Albert R. and Milton S.repPresb.born in Jefferson Co., N.Y.
BrownW.W.Monmouth Cityrestaurantdem_New York
BrownChas.Monmouth Citymasonrep_New York
BrownJohnMonmouth Citybankerrep_Penn
BrownJosephMonmouth Cityfarmer, works for C. Hardin___
BrownThomasMonmouth CitylaborerrepU.P.Virginia
BrownW. H.Spring Grove Twp.clerk; Alexis; $500demMethborn Illinois
BrownWm. H.Spring Grove Twp.Police magistrate; Alexis___
BrownOliverMonmouth Twpfarmer, rents of F. Gayer; Sec 9; P.O. MonmouthdemPresb._
BrownJames W.Spring Grove Twp.rents of Pattison; P.O. Gerlawdem_from Kentucky
BrownChas.Monmouth Citybrick-layer and plastererrepPresbborn in Illinois
BrownMrs. Mary H.Monmouth Citywidow_M.E.Pennsylvania
BrownJosephMonmouth Twpworks for c. hardin; Sec 28; P.O. Monmouth___
BrownleeEmilyMonmouth City_U.P.Ohio
BrownleeMrs. JoannaMonmouth Cityborn in Washington Co., Pa., July 11, 1826; came to this Co. in 1850; U.P.; Mrs. Brownlee is widow of French Brownlee, who came to this State in 1833; he enlisted in the 36th I.V.I.; left home Sept 3, 1861, and was sworn into service at Aurora, Sept. 12; died in hospital at Chatanooga, Dec. 25, 1863, after a lingering illness; Surgeon Lytle said of him after his decease: "He was one of the faithful, not only to his country, but to his God;" he was buried at Little York; was born in Washington Co., Penn., Aug 28, 1823; held the offices of Supervisor and Justice of the Peace for several years; four daughters, Teresa K., Sylvia L., Irena F. and Epha M._U.P.Penn.
BrownleeThos.Spring Grove Twp.laborer; P.O. Alexis;dem_from Penn.
BruenJohnMonmouth Cityfarmerdem_New Jersey
BruenMiss Mary L.Monmouth City__PresbNew Jersey
BrunerIsaacMonmouth Twpfarmer; Sec 11; P.O. Monmouth; born in Tenn. Nov. 30, 1818; dem; Meth; owns 81 acres, value $4,000; he came to Ill. In 1829, lived in Sangamon co, 12 years, and Knox Co., 23 years; came to this Co. in 1864; married Sarah J. Ragland in 1846; she was born in Ky; has four children, two sons and two daughters; lost one.demMethborn in Tenn.
BrunerPeterMonmouth Twpfarmer; Sec. 17; P.O. Monmouth ; born in Breckenridge Co., Ky, May 10, 1814; Rep; Lib; owns 240 acres, value $14,500; he came to this State and Co. in 1836; has held office of School Director; married Sallie Claycomb, Sept. 20, 1838; she was born in Breckenridge Co., Ky., June 11, 1817; has ten children, seven sons and three daughters; lost two.repLibborn in Breckenridge Co., Ky
BrunerRev. F.M.Monmouth Citypastor Christian Church___
BrunerAmesMonmouth Twpfarmer; Sec. 4; P.O. MonmouthrepU.P.from Pennsylvania
BrunerW.H.Monmouth Twpfarmer; Sec. 1; P.O. MonmouthrepLib_
BuckA. A.Spring Grove Twp.farmer; Sec. 25; P.O. Gerlawdem_born Illinois
BuckC.L.Monmouth Citystock dealerrep_Vt
BuckholzChasMonmouth Cityharness-makerrep_born in Illinois
BuffingtonThos.Monmouth CityfarmerrepQuakerPennsylvania
BuffingtonWm. M.Monmouth CityAsst.-Postmasterrep_Pennsylvania
BullisW.Monmouth Citylaborerdem__
BunkerMrs. J.M.Monmouth Citydress-making__Ohio
BunkerZachMonmouth Citylaborerrep_born in Illinois
BunkerGeo.Monmouth Citylaborerrep_Ohio
BurkholderJacobSpring Grove Twp.blacksmith; sec 4; P.O. Alexisrep_from Penn
BurlingimH.Monmouth Citymerchantrep_New York
BurnettWm. H.Monmouth Cityfarmerdem__
BurnsPeterMonmouth Cityengineerdem_Canada
BurnsLarrySpring Grove Twp.farmer; Sec. 10; P.O. Alexis; 80 acres, value $3,600demCathIreland
BurnsideRobt.Monmouth Cityretired farmer___
BurrellDanielMonmouth CitycarpenterrepU.P.Pennsylvania
BurrellWm.Monmouth CitygardenerrepU.P.Pennsylvania
BurrellSamuelMonmouth CitygardenerrepU.P.Pennsylvania
BurrellJ.G.Monmouth CitycarpenterrepU.P.Pennsylvania
ButlerJ.H.Monmouth Citycooperdem_born in Illinois
ButlerP. Frank & RalphMonmouth TwpFarmers; Sec. 36; P.O. Monmouth; dem; meth; own 120 acres, value $7,200; their parents moved from Warren Co., Ky in 1829, and settled in Warren Co., Ill where both were borndemMethborn in Warren Co., Ky
ButterfieldA. V.Spring Grove Twp.farmer; Sec 8; P.O. Alexis; 81 acres, value $3,200dem_from N.Y.
BuzanJacobMonmouth Cityfarmerdem_Ky
ByersSolomonMonmouth Cityfarmerrep_Penn
ByersJocobMonmouth CityfarmerrepMethPenn