KeedleThomasMonmouth Cityfarmerdem_from England
KeedleJohnMonmouth Citybakerdem_from England
KeganPeterMonmouth Cityworks on railroaddemCathfrom Ireland
KellyBarnardMonmouth CitylaborerdemCathfrom Ireland
KerrRobert L.Monmouth Citycarriage trimmerrepU.P.from Scotland
KetteringA.F.Monmouth Citylaborerdem_born Illinois
KetteringBenjamin T.Monmouth CityfarmerrepChrisfrom Pennsylvania
KetteringEllenMonmouth City__Methfrom Pennsylvania
KetteringMrs. MaryMonmouth City__Methfrom Penn
KidderAlmonMonmouth CityAttorney; Monmouth; born in Warren Co., July, 1837; Rep; Presb; has practiced law for fifteen years; married Anna C. Jacobs, May 30, 1865; she was born in Penn.; has one child, Nina B.; lost one.repPresbborn in Warren Co., Il
KilgoreJ.C., M.D.Monmouth Cityfirm Webster & Kilgore;repU.P.from Ohio
KimballJohnMonmouth Cityharness maker___
KingsburyA.R.Monmouth Citycontractor and builderrepBaptfrom Vermont
KinkeadMrs. B.Monmouth Citywidow_U.P.from Ohio
KirbyG. W.Point Pleasant Twp.farmer; Sec. 24; P.O. Swan Creek; 40 acresdemChris_
KirbyJ/Berwick Twp.Sec. 7; P.O. Berwick; 156 acres landdemBaptfrom Pennsylvania
KirbyJ. H.Berwick Twp.Sec. 7; P.O. Berwick; 150 acresdemMethfrom Penn.
KirbyI.B.Ellison Twp.farmer; Sec. 34; P.O. Roseville; 187 acres, value $9,350;dem_from Penn.
KlinerA.Monmouth Cityshoe merchant__from Prussia
KoblerG.J.Monmouth CitybutcherrepLuthfrom Germany
KoblerJohnMonmouth Citycabinet makerrep_grom Germany
KoffrothMrs. L.E.Monmouth CityDressmaker_Chrisfrom Pennsylvania
KrollmanJacobMonmouth Cityundertakerdem_from Germany
KylerThos. S.Monmouth CityProprietor Exchange Hotel, Monmouth; born in Penn., March 19, 1823; came to this Co. in 1863; married Clarinda B. Lowry, March 30, 1854; she wass born in Armstrong Co., Penn.; has five children; lost two.__born in Pennsylvania