WakefieldMrs. MayMonmouth Citywidow_Presbfrom Pennsylvania
WalkerMiss EllenMonmouth City__U.P.from Ohio
WalkerThos. W.Monmouth Cityattorneydem_born Ill
WalkerWm.Monmouth CityphysiciandemPresbfrom Virginia
WalkerWm.Monmouth Cityattorneyrep_born Illinois
WalkerWm. J.&A.T.Monmouth CityAttorney; born in Spring Grove tp., Warren Co.; they give careful and prompt attention to business entrusted to their care. W.J. Walker is also a Justice of the Peace.__born in Spring Grove, Warren Co., Ohio
WallaceE.E.Monmouth Cityhardwarerep_from Ill
WallaceThos. R.Monmouth CitystudentrepU.P.from Ohio
WallaceMrs. MaryMonmouth City__U.P.from Ohio
WallaceJno. F.Monmouth CityengineerrepU.P.from Massachusetts
WallaceJohn F.Monmouth CityBooks and Picture Frames; Monmouth; born in Massachusetts; came to this State in 1856; he married Miss Sadie E. Ulmer in 1871; she was born in Penn.; has two children.__born in Massachusetts
WallaceJ.C.Monmouth Cityrestaurantrep_from Ohio
WallaceJames H.Monmouth CityPhysician; born in Penn, Nov. 16, 1834; lived in Ohio twenty-two years; came to this State in 1876; is associated with Dr. Crawford in the practice of his profession; married Miss S.J. Troutman in 1862; she was born in Wayne Co., O.; has six children.__born in Penn.
WallaceDavid A., D.D.Monmouth CityPresident of Monmouth College; born in Guernsey Co., O., June 16, 1826; came to this Co. In 1856; rep; U.P.; graduated at Miami University, Ohio, Aug. 13, 1846; licensed to preach in the A.R. (now U.P.), April, 1849; ordained in Fall River, Mass., in June, 1851; moved to boston in Feb., 1853, and to Monmouth, Sept., 1856, and became President of the College; was for a time Pastor, both of the First and Second U.P. Churches of Monmouth and of the Henderson Church; married Martha J. Findly, Aug 27, 1851, of New Concord, O.; five children.repU.P.born in Guernsey Co., O
WallaceGeo.Monmouth Citylaborerrep_from Tenn.
WallaceDavidMonmouth Cityclerkrep_from Ohio
WallaceDanielMonmouth Cityplastererrep_from Ky
WallaceG.G.Monmouth CitystudentrepU.P.from Ohio
WallberD.W.Monmouth Cityboot and shoemakerindLuthfrom Switzerland
WaltersDavidMonmouth Cityteamsterdem_from Penn.
WardEnosMonmouth CitycarpenterrepU.P.from Kentucky
WarrenMrs. L.A.Monmouth City__Methfrom New York
WatkinsJohnMonmouth CityEmployee of the Monmouth Manufacturing and Mining Co.; born in Ohio, Sept., 1844; Rep; Lib; he came to this co. in 1872, and has been in the employ of this Company since that timerepLibborn in Ohio
WattA.C.Monmouth CityteacherrepPresbfrom Penn
WattJohnMonmouth CityphotographerrepU.P.from Pennsylvania
WaughO.K.Monmouth CityVeterinary Surgeon; Monmouth born in New Youk, March 14, 1818; came to this state in 1836, and to this co. in 1866; has practiced his profession for 16 years; his wife ws Miss A.D. Beckstead, and was born in Canada; has nine children.__born in New York State
WebbV.C.Monmouth Cityplastererrep_from Ohio
WebbWm. M.Monmouth Citypolice constablerepBapt.from Pennsyvania
WebsterH.A.Monmouth Citybutcherrep_from Penn.
WebsterJ.R.Monmouth CityPhysician; born in Penn., 1835; came to this co. in 1837; has been practicing the past 20 years; he married Miss S. Nye in 1859; she ws born in Massachusetts; has two children.___
WebsterW.H.Monmouth Citycarpenter___
WebsterW.L.Monmouth CitymerchantrepMethfrom Ohio
WedleinGusMonmouth CityshoemakerrepLuthfrom Sweden
WeedeN.R.Monmouth CityphysicianrepU.P.from Pennsylvania
WeeksThos. C.Monmouth CityfarmerrepU.P.from Ohio
WeirF.M.Monmouth Citybook-keeperrepU.P.born in Illinois
WeirFrancesMonmouth City__U.P.from Kentucky
WeirJas. B.Monmouth Citymoulderrep_from Ohio
WeirPaulina M.Monmouth City__U.P.from Ohio
WeirW.S.Monmouth CityWeir Plow Co.;repU.P.from Ohio
WelchP.Monmouth Cityrailroad employeedemCath.from Ireland
WellG.V.Monmouth Citysalesmandem_born Illinois
WelsanP.Monmouth Citytailorrep_from Sweden
WesterfieldGeo. W.Monmouth Cityblacksmithdem_born in Illinois
WesterfieldIsaacMonmouth Citywagon makerrep_born in Illinois
WesterfieldJamesMonmouth Citywagon makerrepPresb.from Ohio
WestineF.Monmouth Cityharness makerrep_from Iowa
WhislerJohn R.Monmouth Cityfarmerdem_from Penn
WhitcombJno.Monmouth Cityfarmerrep_from New York
WhiteAlfredMonmouth Citydraymandem_from Ky
WhitenackWm.Monmouth Cityinsurance agt.repMethfrom Kentucky
WhitneyMoses PMonmouth Cityrailroadingrep_from Virginia
WhittenJno.Monmouth CityclerkrepU.P.from Ireland
WickenThosMonmouth CityfarmerrepU.P.from England
WienekerW.Monmouth Cityemployee Weir Plow Co__from Germany
WilcottW.Monmouth Citycarriage makerdem_from Ohio
WilcoxChasMonmouth Citycarpenterdem_from N.Y.
WilcoxO.D.Monmouth Citystone masondem_New York
WilderCharles A.Monmouth Citypattern-makerrep_from Ohio
WileyJames A.Monmouth CitystudentrepU.P.from Ohio
WileyJohnMonmouth CitycarpenterrepU.P.from Kentucky
WileyMiss Maggie LMonmouth Cityteacher; Monmouth; born in Ohio; came to this co. in 1869; has been engaged in teaching nine years, the past four years as Principal of the West Ward School.__born in Ohio
WileyWm. T.Monmouth CitymusicianrepU.P.from Ohio
WillaimsMrs. E.J.Monmouth City__Chrisfrom Ohio
WilletsEliasMonmouth CityAttorney; Monmouth; born in Wayne Co., Ind., Aug. 12 1826; rep; Prot; he came to this State in 1851__
WilletsEliasMonmouth CityAttorney; Monmouth; born in Wayne co., Ind., Aug. 12, 1826; rep; Prot.; he came to this state in 1851, and to this co. in 1862; holds office of Judge of the Co. Court; married Elizabeth Fish in 1850; she was born in Baltimore, Md.; has three chilfren; lost four.repProt.born in Wayne Co., Ind
WilliamsJames H.Monmouth CityBoots and shoesrep_from Canada
WilliamsJamesMonmouth CitycookrepMethfrom District Columbia
WilliamsD.H.Monmouth CitypainterrepMethborn New York
WilliamsBenj.Monmouth Cityemployed in Weir Plow Worksdem_born in Illinois
WilliamsMiss M.J.Monmouth Citydressmaker_Presb.from Virginia
WilsonMrs. JaneMonmouth Citywidow_Baptborn Ill.
WilsonJamesMonmouth Cityclerk in grocery__born Ill.
WilsonGeorgeMonmouth Citylaborerrep_from Iowa
WilsonProf. J.H.Monmouth Citycollege professorrepU.P.from Indiana
WilsonJames H.Monmouth CitymasonInd._from Ky
WilsonJaneMonmouth Citydressmaker_Methfrom Ohio
WilsonRobert A.Monmouth CityBookseller; Monmouth ; born in Ohio, March 14, 1850; came to this Co. in 1871, Rep; U.P.; established himself in business in 1875, and is a dealer in books, wall paper, picture frames, etcrepU.P.born in Ohio
WinbiglerMiss JuliaMonmouth City__U.P.from Indiana
WiseJamesMonmouth CityexpressmanrepBapt._
WiseLevi H.Monmouth Citylaborerrep_from Indiana
WittH.Monmouth Citylaborerdem_from Tennessee
WittGeo. R.Monmouth Citybutcherdem_born Illinois
WolfeW.G.Monmouth Citybook-keeperrepPresb.from Pennsylvania
WonderJacobMonmouth CityretiredrepMethfrom Pennsylvania
WonderJohnMonmouth Citymerchantrep_from Penn.
WoodS.Monmouth Cityretiredrep_from Maine
WoodsGeo. D.Monmouth Cityfarmerrep_from Penn.
WoodsMrs. Jane P.Monmouth Citywidow_Presb.from Pennsylvania
WoodwardDr. N.S.Monmouth Cityphysiciandem_from Pennsylvania
WorrellMiltonMonmouth CitymachinistrepCong.from Pennsylvania